The Run828 Foundation


Organizations - Non Profit

About Us

The Run828Foundation is 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. Our mission is to promote healthy, active, outdoor opportunities to individuals and families in Western North Carolina. We do this by providing opportunities, support, education, and funding. We host and sponsor community running events and provide structure and administrative support for the North Carolina Mountain Trail Runners running club. Run by a volunteer board of directors, we rely on funding through member enrollment, local business sponsors, and funds received from RUN828 sponsored races.

If you would like to find out how you can become more involved, please email


Hellbender 100 Race
  • The Hellbender 100 is one of the most scenic 100 milers on the East Coast. This course will take you through a grueling tour of the massive Black Mountains,
  • Friday May 3, 2024